Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lego + Math = Fun & Learning!

Lego Math Time!

Have you ever noticed that Lego's have dots on them and they may be great for making multiplication and fraction Math problems?

This was the question that was posed to the students.

They all had 10 minutes to build and then had to make a drawing of their creation and make a Math problem that went along with the blocks and the number of dots on the blocks.

Like if their are four dots on the top of block, two by two, this would be two times two.

As you can see from the creations the students had their work cut out for them.

The students came up with great multiplication and fractional problems for their creations.

Many of the students found that this helped them to see the multiplication problems!

In the end:
Lego's + Math = Fun and Learning!

Pop Goes the Volcano, Mount Silverwood

Stand back everyone, Mount Silverwood is getting ready to blow her top!!!!
Queen Helen and Miss Cindy thought of one last, fun way to wrap up our study of volcanoes and add a little Math into Science.
We placed an air pop corn popper in the center of a huge paper and made geographical landforms around Mount Silverwood.
The Students were in groups and made towns in their section of the volcanic landscape.
Each group made a prediction about how much "ash or hummocks," popcorn would fall in their section.

Then each counted their "ash/ hummocks," popcorn, recorded their data, and ate the findings.

Next we did this process all over again on the same sheet, but this time Queen Helen of the Winds turned on a huge box fan.
The students predictions and explanations of what they thought would happen with the fan blowing were great!
They recorded their findings and shared with the groups that did not get as much to record.

We will return to volcanoes a bit latter in the year when we study the planets and moons of the planets!
Great job everyone on your volcanoes for the volcano party!
If you have any pictures that you would like us to post from the party please email them to Miss Cindy or Miss Vanessa.