Saturday, April 17, 2010

Islandwood 2010

Welcome to Islandwood, Silverwood students!
See video at the bottom of the page.
Islandwood a school in the woods.
Oh what a great school!

Here we all are in a long line, hauling all of our gear in carts to our lodge, Mammals Den.
A beautiful trail to haul our things into camp/ school.

Home Sweet Mammal Den!

Friendship Circle :)
We were at Islandwood with 3 other schools. Two were small independent schools and one was a public school that is our neighbor in Poulsbo.

Making a group contract and writing down the agreement. Team Wind with Mr. Mike.
Flat Zoe came with us on our trip as well. Miss Cindy's little sis hitched a ride on Miss Cindy's backpack.

Scavenger Hut in the garden and green house.

Map reading skills using our books and the 3D map. The students lead us down to Blakley Harbor with a compass and their maps!
Team Bog

Garden Fun! Compost!
Team Bog with Miss Lily and Mr. Zach.
Nettles, Yum! Miss Lily was preparing the green poky leaf for the students and explaining the chemistry and botany behind the plants defenses.
Most of the group had some to try. Tastes like spinach.

Suspension Bridge!
Oooooooo! Aaaaaaaaaa!
Mr. Zach explaining the mechanics and engineering of the suspension bridge.

Team Rain,
Bush Whacking, a rare treat! No trails used here!
Most of the time instructors do not go bush whacking or off roading with the students, but team rain's instructors felt that they had a team that could work together and handle the challenge!
Fish prints using beautiful Salmon.
(Flat Zoe watching Brandon create a masterpiece)

Welcome to Islandwood Video.
Sorry I could not move it to the top.

Museum of Flight

3rd and 4th grade at the Museum of Flight in Seattle!

Thank You to all of the parents that drove us on the field trip.
The students were split into 2 groups: robotics and rockets. Each group explored different challenges that NASA takes into consideration for each project that they work on. The robotics group was given only a certain number of pieces that they could work with and they had to problem solve using only what they had. The challenge was to make a robot that moves back and forth, side to side, and can pick up an object and have a place that the object could be dropped into and taken back to the shuttle.

The rocket group worked on challenges dealing with launching rockets, rocket design, parachute design, and thrust v.s. weight. This group will be using the skills that they learned at the Museum of Flight to help teach what they learned to the rest of the class in early June when we study rockets.

Mars Rover

Robot Challenge! Get as many pieces of a wrecked shuttle out of the blue box in 3 minutes.
All of these robots were built by the robotic group and one is the chaperone's!

Testing! Testing!

Problem solving.

We also got a rare treat; the new 787 was taking off during our session!

Straw Rockets!