Monday, September 12, 2011

Talk & Dress Like a Pirate Day! Sept. 19th

Ahoy, Mateys!

Septmeber 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Miss Ashley and I will be your captains on the ship the Treehouse. Arrrrgh!

Please feel free to dress and talk like a pirate at school. We will be doing pirate themed activities that reinforce what we are doing in math, social studies, science, and literacy.

So batten down the haches me hearties it will be a Jolly day!


Miss Cindy & Miss Ashely

Welcome Tree House Friends!

Hello 3rd & 4th grade families!

Our first day was a huge success! This going to be an outstanding year in the Tree House! We have a few housekeeping things to share:

The folder that says "Take Home Folder" will be brought home every night with home work items. The assignments will be written down in your child's planner. The planner and folder should come home each afternoon and return to school each morning.
Please check this daily for any notes or homework that may be sent home. A weekly "clean out" is highly recommended.

We have a water cooler in our classroom and each student should have a water bottle (with a lid) at school. Don't forget to write your name on it.

We will have a morning snack break each morning and your child should have a HEALTHY snack each day. Fruit, crackers, cheese sticks, and yogurt are a few ideas. Any chips, cookies, or sugary treats will be saved for lunch.

Another suggestion for each student's backpack is an extra pair of socks; we had many soggy ones last year.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Activities of the week:
Keys to success: Miss Ashley and I have asked each student to come up with 5 ways/ keys that will help them be successful in our classroom. The students took a kind of test to help them figure out what kind of learner they are and this test aided them in figuring out their keys. The keys range from: "I like to work in a small group," to "I need a list to complete many tasks." This is some deep self awareness and the students really are happy that we plan to honor their way of being successful.
Math Assessment: 3rd & 4th level math started an assessment to recall what we learned last year. This gives Miss Ashley and I chance to see which topics need to be reviewed before we move on. Many students did practice multiplication tables, addition, and subtraction facts this summer and it shows! Keep up the great work!
PE: Cooperation Games: We played many games in groups that the students were challenged to work together to complete a task. They did great!
Volcanoes: We will be going on a fieldtrip to Mount Saint Helen's October 6th. We will be leaving at 7:30 in the morning and returning later in the evening, 7:00pm. We will be stopping to go to dinner.

We look forward to seeing every one at curriculum night Wednesday, September 28th.

Please check the calendar for upcoming events.

Have a great day!

Miss Cindy and Miss Ashley