Monday, October 19, 2009

Volcano Science

What happens to a river and lake ecosystem when a volcano erupts like in the case of Mt Saint Helen's?
Anna and Jasmine are building the river and lake ecosystems out of sand and the other out of dirt. Will the outcome be different?
Lets find out...

The eruption has taken place and there is a huge amount of water, rocks and lava that come rushing down the mountain. The sand river and all of its vegetation have washed away.

Another eruption.
The students wrote a hypothesis and drew what they thought may happen from their knowledge of the eruption of Mt Saint Helen's.
Afterwards, students wrote and drew their observations from our experiment.

Flashback before the eruption...
a peaceful stream of water trickles down our student made banks.

A note went home today, Monday, explaining the Volcano Party that we will be having on November 20th, 2009; at 2:30pm.
Each student in the 3rd and 4th grade will be making a volcano at home and bringing it to school for the wrap up to our volcano studies. It will be an explosive time!
How to make a volcano links will be in the links section on the side of the blog.
If you have any questions please email Miss Vanessa or Miss Cindy.