Sunday, November 14, 2010

Salmon Safari 2010

Salmon Safari 2010!

Students got to see the life cycle of the salmon right in front of them in the stream.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4th grade Totem Making & 3rd grade Rattle Making

4th grade Northwest Native American Totem Pole Making with the Queen!


3rd grade Northwest Native American Rattle Making with the Queen!

Queen Helen is reading the fourth grade class a Native American myth to entertain them while they're carving totems.

The third grade class is coloring their Native American rattles so Queen can put them together. Jake completed his bob cat rattle.

Avery and Josie love horses so they made horse rattles.

Rachelle and Mia made a wolf and a horse.

4th grade

Jack is carving his beaver.

Conner is carving an eagle face.

Makailee is carving a bear.

Tyler is also carving a bear.

By: Makailee

Point No Point Field Trip

Point No Point Field Trip

We took another trip to the beach and a beautiful day it was!

The students looked at the sea life and plant life at this beach too.

The students will be comparing their perspectives of this beach to those of our Scenic Beach field trip.

Lighthouse on at Point No Point
Bald Eagle watching over us or maybe he just enjoying the nice day too.
Kassie curious about these huge sea plants???

Evidence of sea life.
Students taking a break in a wonderfully huge drift wood fort!

Hermit crab:
Come out please, we want to see you.
The hermit crab was camera shy. It came out after we moved the camera.

This big rock had lots of sea life attached to it and we got to play in the water.
We all took some great pictures and now we will begin our comparisons of the two beaches and make information cards for the animals that we found.

Thank You to all of the families that helped make our trip possible!

Scenic Beach Field Trip

Scenic Beach Field Trip

We had a lovely day at the beach exploring the sea life of Scenic Beach State Park near Seabeck.

The students walked around and looked closely at the sea life which we photographed.

We will be making cards that have the aniamls/ plants sceintific name and common name as well as uses for this animal for our present day and uses that the native populations would have had for this animal. This goes along with our story path: Northwest Native Americans and our study of Washington this year.

Thank You to all of our drivers for our field trip!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to a New Year in the Tree House! 2010

It is going to be a fun filled year in the Tree House. We are planning some great adventures to go along with our learning. Miss Vanessa and Miss Cindy have planned a couple of fieldtrips to the beaches to in our area to accompany our study of Washington state sea animals, wildlife, trees, and plants.
We will be studying the Native Americans of Washington and then after our winter break the students will be pioneers; getting different perspectives of some of the same time periods and perspectives of different groups of people.
It's going to be a great year!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring Musicals

Phantom of the Music Room!!!

Just for fun: Anna and Jasmine being banana slugs; this was after they helped one of their fellow slugs cross the sidewalk. Thank you to Liam (2nd) for making the slug crossing.