Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Point No Point Field Trip

Point No Point Field Trip

We took another trip to the beach and a beautiful day it was!

The students looked at the sea life and plant life at this beach too.

The students will be comparing their perspectives of this beach to those of our Scenic Beach field trip.

Lighthouse on at Point No Point
Bald Eagle watching over us or maybe he just enjoying the nice day too.
Kassie curious about these huge sea plants???

Evidence of sea life.
Students taking a break in a wonderfully huge drift wood fort!

Hermit crab:
Come out please, we want to see you.
The hermit crab was camera shy. It came out after we moved the camera.

This big rock had lots of sea life attached to it and we got to play in the water.
We all took some great pictures and now we will begin our comparisons of the two beaches and make information cards for the animals that we found.

Thank You to all of the families that helped make our trip possible!