Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The First Day of School!

Our first day was a huge success! This is going to be an outstanding year in the Treehouse! We have a few housekeeping things to share:

The red folder your child brought home is his/her Take Home Folder. This folder should come home each afternoon and return to school each morning. Please check this daily for any notes or homework that may be sent home. A weekly “clean out” is highly recommended.

One change you might see from last year is there is no parent/teacher communication sheet in this folder. If you have a message for us, please contact us by email ( or If you’d like to write a note, please tell your 3rd or 4th grader that there is a note in his/her Take Home Folder and it needs to be given to Miss Cindy or Miss Vanessa.

We debated on what kind of folders to use as Take Home Folders this year. The plastic folders are stronger but papers do not stay in them. We went with the cardboard folders, realizing that they will probably have to be replaced throughout the year. We’d like to recommend that you reinforce this folder with some clear packaging tape.

We have a water cooler in our classroom and each student should have a water bottle (with a lid) at school. Don’t forget to write your name on it.

We will have a morning snack break each morning and your child should have a HEALTHY snack each day. Fruit, crackers, cheese sticks, and yogurt are a few ideas. Any chips, cookies, or sugary treats will be saved for lunch.

Another suggestion for each student’s backpack is an extra pair of socks-we had many soggy ones last year.

If you have any questions, please let us know! We look forward to seeing everyone at our curriculum night on Tuesday, September 29.