Friday, September 11, 2009

First Week!

We are off to a terrific start to our school year! Everyone seems to be excited to be back in the routine of school. :) We started our first 2 novels, How to be Cool in the Third Grade and Fourth Grade Rats today. It was a beautiful morning to sit outside in the grass and enjoy a great book. In math, we've been doing some assessments to find out where everyone is and we're going to do some review of telling time next week. Yesterday was an introduction to volcanoes and today we located some of Washington's volcanoes and began talking about the different types of volcanoes. Miss Helen joined us for Geography this morning and we took a little quiz on geographic landforms to see where we need to start. Archipelago seemed to stump most of the class. :) Before lunch we brainstormed a list of the 50 states. Putting our heads together, we came up with 41 of them. Next week we'll start our regular schedule, kicking off the week with art and environmental science.